Welcome to the red team

This the red team's homepage. As a part of the red team, you need to earn as many points as possible by completing missions and making sure that the blue team doesn't catch up to you. Your assignments will be posted at the bottom of this page at random points in the week, and if you don't complete these on time, you will not recieve points. Each individual person can score points for their team so the bigger the team the better. But if people leave it up to one person the team will get no points. It is perfectly acceptable to 'hack' into the other team's homepage to see what they are up to by going to the side selection menu again.

Want a friend to join your team? send them this link: https://corona-club.glitch.me/bt-dashboard.html and they will earn extra points for your team.

You can send your assignments to HQ (me) through submission points you will find below.

Red team points: 0
Blue team points: 0

Active assignments:

13:18 3/4/20

You've been assigned your first mission. Get started here: https://tinyurl.com/redrebellion1