
Quizzes is an ever-evolving space to test your knowledge of a particular subject, and once again I have to distract you to give the webpage enough time to load my quizzes, speaking of which did you realise that you cant move your upper row of teeth? I think you should stop scrolling through this webpage and try it out. You know blinking can sharpen your attention? No need to pay attention to any of these things loading below. Also, hair absorbs the air pollutant ozone, so why don't you wash all that ozone out of your hair in a lovely shower right now so you can start absorbing more, don't worry, the website will still be here when you get back!

I am currently trying out a couple of ways to make quizzes, using bare JavaScript and the embed method.

Today's quiz - How well do you know covid 19?

I know you're favourite videogame depending on what you eat for desert.

What breed of dog are you? Pick the season you were born in.